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Profile for Zatnosk. Username @zatnosk, Role: admin


This is my tech-focused account

Pixelart is over on @zatnosk

Joined on Oct, 2022. 140 posts. Followed by 13. Following 39.

Recent posts

Zatnosk . @zatnosk,

It's theoretically possible to build an ActivityPub server that serves a random profile image on each request, and by that maximise confusion and minimize recognizability.

Open thread
Zatnosk . @zatnosk,

If I ever make my own fediverse server implementation and a flagship instance, I'll make it a bannable offence to talk about the server software inside the network.

No meta!

Open thread
Zatnosk . @zatnosk,

Are you even shipping code if you're not writing it while sitting in a shipping container?

Open thread
Zatnosk . @zatnosk,
Critique of microblogging social media Toggle visibility

Two things that gets discussed way too little about social media:

The toxicity of the design concept "timeline";

The more stuff happen, the faster everything disappears, which is deadly to anything that prefers or requires slow thought and slow interaction.

The design choice that there's One Single Public Space to put words into AKA the fallacy of "the fediverse" in singular;

It destroys context and it erodes community.

Both of these things are directly inherited from how Twitter was built and imported into federated social media without thought or inspection.


Open thread
Zatnosk . @zatnosk,
Bug in mastodon Toggle visibility

Ugh. I've found a bug in Mastodon 4.0.2 UI, but I can't be arsed* to actually report it.

(*as in, I technically have the spoons to do it, but I'd rather preserve those spoons for everything else that has to happen today)

The bug is that the right-most column in the "advanced view" shows the "< Back" button, despite it being a fresh load. Clicking it just takes me back to firefox's empty tab placeholder.


Open thread
Zatnosk . @zatnosk,

Sometimes I want to brush off my Go programming skills and do some contributing to gotosocial.

.. and then I remember that I already have 40 projects on the back burner, and ideas for at least three others bouncing around in my head at any given time.

Open thread
Zatnosk . @zatnosk,

How much effort would I have to put in to implement support for filters i #GoToSocial?

I'm really tired of hearing about twitter and elon musk all the time.

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Zatnosk . @zatnosk,

I still dream of building that multi-instance client that merges timelines into a single one - or at least show timelines from different instances next to each other.

Open thread
Zatnosk . @zatnosk,
Hot take: CW, UI, UX, OATSS Toggle visibility

Writing Content Warnings should be opt-out instead of opt-in.

Long form: Instead of clicking a button to make the CW field appear, fediverse clients should have an always shown CW field and refuse to post unless there's text there OR a button is pressed to signal "I want no CW".

(OATSS: Other Acronyms To Sound Smart)

Open thread
Zatnosk . @zatnosk,
Opinion time! Warning: Opinion inside Toggle visibility

Rolling 00 and 0 on a pair of ten-sided dice means 100, because

a) 00 is the second-least significant digit (tens), and 0 is the least significant digit. The third-least significant digits (hundreds) isn't shown.

b) an actual hundred sided die can't roll zero*, so bump it up there!

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